Monday, January 11, 2010


So I've gone missing for quite awhile.... sorry about that! I finally had a very lazy Saturday and spent the afternoon in one of the loveliest fabric stores in town- and found the most amazing fabric!!

I LOVE the vintage sewing machine and all the cute little buttons. What I'll do with this, I have no idea. I think that I'll probably just end up saving it forever..... that's how much I love it!

Oh! And on the front page of etsy the other day..... the cutest thing that I have EVER seen. EVER! (make sure to click on the picture to see a larger view!!)

It's teeny tiny AND crocheted! I can't crochet (at least I haven't even attempted it yet) so that makes it even more fascinating for me. Check out all the teeny tiny details..... I think I need this!!


  1. Ahhh I love it! I love cute little things like that!!!! I can't crochet either, but I wish I could b/c I'd make it and stare at it all day :)
    It kind of reminds me of another etsy seller who makes these portable play totes. I wish I had a sweing machine b/c I'd make one of these!

  2. Oh my goodness! How cute is that little play mat!!?? I know what my next little project is going to be.... I know that my girls would LOVE it!

    Thanks for sharing! :)
