Tuesday, November 10, 2009


I have caught an awful bug from my little ones, so I haven't been feeling too well. I so desperately wanted to post one of my favorite cookie recipes last week, but before I could take any pictures, they were gone! So once I'm feeling a bit better I'll share that with you.

Over the weekend I made my sister a baby quilt (don't be too harsh! I'm really not a quilter and this is my first one!) and some matching burp cloths and washcloths for the new baby! I was not-so-secretly happy that this one is finally a girl!!! Hence, all the pink!

As my husband is at work, I'm left to take my own pictures..... I'll probably have new ones posted as soon as he gets home!!


  1. Oh no, hope you feel better soon!! I think the baby quilt came out beautiful- love all the designs you chose. :)



  2. so cute- I love baby items! I hope you feel better soon- remember to take care of yourself too :)

  3. I think you did a great job!! And definitely make another batch of those cookies (and hide them) so I can see them and get the recipe!
