Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Now, I know that Halloween is long over, but I just had to post a few pictures of my little monsters!

These are from last year- Layla, my oldest (then 5 years old) was Dorothy. You wouldn't believe the amount of times we had to watch The Wizard of Oz!!! And poor Matilda (then just 16 months old) got to be the cowardly lion. She was not pleased.

I had a heck of a time sewing Layla's costume.... I never do very well following other people's patterns, and I have to admit that I swore at my sewing machine more than I should have. (I may have even hit it once or twice.)

This year was much more pleasant. I was a bit disappointed when Layla said that she wanted (gasp!!) a store bought costume... but at least I wasn't in tears 3 days before Halloween trying to put together a costume. Since Matilda wants to be JUST LIKE Layla, they dressed exactly the same. Fairies.... I thought Halloween was supposed to be scary. Hmmmmm. Anyhow, we got a lot of "AWWWWW's" along the way. Mattie just ate that up!

Sadly, I did not get to dress up (again) this year. I was really hoping on Little Red Riding Hood.... maybe next year!

1 comment:

  1. hee hee, Dorothy and the Lion are too cute. So happy to have found your lovely blog through Ponder and Stitch. :)
